RoundupReads Gene Kranz is recognized by the US Air Force

Gene Kranz is recognized by the US Air Force

Air University, United States Air Force, has selected  Gene Kranz as a 2013 AFROTC Distinguished Alumni. Mr. Kranz was the NASA Mission Control Center Flight Control Director made famous during the Apollo Moon Landings and famous world-wide for his “failure is not an option” approach to bring the Apollo 13 Astronauts safely back to earth.
The Air University Distinguished Alumni Program honors graduates from AFROTC and OTS who have achieved significant distinction during or after their career in the Air Force.  The award is granted to an exceptional few, whose incredible legacy continues to shape the character of the Air Force and its future leaders.

Mr. Kranz continues to share his legacy with military units, colleges and civilian organizations across the nation.  In 2013 he made some 79 presentations to these organizations detailing America’s achievements in space.  He is one of America’s great heroes.  His famous white vest, sewn by his wife, Marta, is enshrined in the Smithsonian Institution.

Mr. Kranz is a dedicated member of the Houston area Air Force Association providing services to their local universities and colleges.