RoundupReads Massively impressive

Massively impressive

On Dec. 20 and again on Jan. 2 due to overwhelming response, vast employee and family crowds lined up to get a view of history in the making with the colossal James Webb Space Telescope. Temporarily housed outside the rotund soda-can-shaped thermal vacuum chamber known as “Chamber A” in Building 32, viewers had the opportunity to glimpse the space-based observatory before it’s packed for shipment to California—the telescope’s next stop on a journey to deep space.

In the outer recesses of the solar system, Webb will serve thousands of astronomers worldwide and study many phases in the history of our universe. Its sophisticated instruments will decode the first luminous glows after the Big Bang, the formulation of solar systems capable of supporting life and the evolution of our own tiny cosmic corner.

See if you can spot yourself in images from the viewing event below.