RoundupReads Janice Makinen

Janice Makinen

Currently, I work in thermal technology development for extravehicular activity (EVA) portable life support systems, as well as managing and coordinating thermal technologies for the Orion crew module.  I grew up enamored with the space program, as many children do. So when NASA happened to be at my college career fair, I went to ask about NASA swag. Next thing I knew, I had an interview for the co-op program. Since then, I’ve used my Biomedical Engineering degree to work in thermal technology development for human spaceflight. When I think back on my career here, a key moment for me was when I had the opportunity to hear Gene Kranz speak at a co-op lecture.  That was the moment I realized that where I work produces very high-caliber people. It also drove home the facts that you need to be good at what you do; you need to care about what you do; and you have to be sure that you are putting your best effort forward.