Station Science Top News: Aug. 3, 2023
The Quetzal-1 CubeSat demonstrated successful alignment with Earth’s magnetic field and acquisition of images. The ability to control attitude stabilization and pointing with minimal hardware supports design of future satellites where weight and volume are limiting factors.
The Quetzal-1 CubeSat launched by JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) for UVG (Universidad del Valle de Guatemala) in Guatemala City, Guatemala, tested a novel approach for multispectral remote sensing using a passive ADCS (Altitude Determination and Control System) that allows precise imagery of ground targets. The project helped prepare aerospace experts in Guatemala and provided students with an opportunity to work on a space project.
Measurements of thermophysical properties of liquid gold (Au) using ELF (Electrostatic Levitation Furnace) on the International Space Station and the EML (Electromagnetic Levitation) facility on a parabolic flight showed excellent agreement with previously published values. Verifying the function of levitation furnaces helps increase the quality of results from research using these facilities.
JAXA’s ELF levitates materials for melting and solidification, enabling measurement of thermophysical properties of high temperature melts and solidification from deeply undercooled melts without the use of a container. This capability eliminates contact between the material and container, which can affect results. These functional verifications improve the accuracy, precision, and reliability of the research results from these facilities.
Researchers successfully analyzed flames generated in microgravity by a gaseous fuel-supplied burner. The results have implications for determining the fire safety of materials in microgravity.
The BRE (Burning Rate Emulator) investigation, part of the ACME (Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments) project, simulates the flammability of solid and liquid materials under key conditions. This technique provides a way to select fire-resistant materials for use in spacecraft. The tests take advantage of microgravity to study burning behavior without using solid fuel that generates unwanted soot byproducts.