Bolden to speak at Houston’s First Space Commerce Expo in November 2015
NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden, Jr. will be a keynote speaker at the inaugural Space Commerce Conference and Exposition (SpaceCom) Nov.17-19 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, focusing on the significance of exploring the business of space and its impact across vital market segments of the global economy.
SpaceCom, a partnership between the Greater Houston Convention Center and Visitors Bureau (GHCVB), Houston First Corporation and National Trade Productions, Inc., was formed to catalyze the economic development of space, the creation of new business models to support that development, and the application of space technologies across important industry sectors of the global economy.
NASA Johnson Space Center director Dr. Ellen Ochoa is leading the technical advisory board for the upcoming SpaceCom. The group is comprised of senior executives from organizations driving the rapidly-emerging space commerce community, such as Texas Medical Center, Satellite Applications Catapult, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, NanoRacks, XCOR, GE, Shell, NASA Ames Research Center and other Houston-area stakeholders. Academic advisors from Rice University and the University of Houston are also participating.
In the announcement of Bolden as a keynote, James Causey, executive director of SpaceCom, said: “NASA is changing the way it does business in order to send human explorers deeper into space than ever before, while also transforming human spaceflight for future generations. As a proponent for space commercialization, Administrator Bolden has seen, first-hand, the benefits that NASA and other industries have experienced from space exploration and the research completed on the International Space Station. I am eager to see the next round of aeronautical ingenuity and innovation that will emerge from new partnerships and business relationships ignited at this event.”
For more information about SpaceCom, the conference program or to join the mailing list to keep abreast of the latest event developments, please visit the SpaceCom website.